I've been asked on more than one occasion if I have a blog. For some reason there are people out there who care what I'm thinking. I guess I understand, as I feel that way about other people, but my mind is such a whirlwind most of the time, a blog by me could be too disjointed to interest anyone. But what the heck, here we go!
This blog won't have a theme, because I just don't have time to organize blogs into themes. One girl, one blog, all my mess! I'm sure along the way I'll talk about crafts I'm working on, raising 7 kids, having an awesome marriage, running a small cleaning business, singing, reading, word games, math, God. So if you're willing to expose yourself to such an array of mind muddle, welcome to the freak show! This blog's for you :)
hmmm my comment didn't post... well, you know I'm interested in your blog :)