Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Life is hard, but it's beautiful!

I have a friend whose husband is moving out soon. That is heartbreaking to me. They have a 3 year old daughter. I have no idea what she must be feeling right now, except that my heart aches for the pain she must be going through. When someone is going through a hard time, many people ask "why" and might not understand why God would let that happen. Not just divorce, but in any struggle or need. I already know why bad things happen; it's called sin. It's you and me waking up every morning and deciding to do what feels good instead of what is right. We cause pain in other people's lives just like they cause pain in ours. But God does not leave us there. The beautiful part is that God can use us to ease the pain for others and he uses others to help ease our own pain. It's an amazing thing that happens to people when they are aware of someone else's need. The wildfires in Bastrop last year mobilized hundreds, if not thousands, of people to clean out their closets & pantries in such a way that too much was donated! Can you believe that? There was so much stuff they couldn't give it all away! See there - something bad turned into a beautiful display of love and compassion.
I don't know what to say or do for my friend, but I love her and I know God will tell me how I can help if I will stop thinking about myself long enough to hear it. And maybe some of my friends reading this have some suggestions for ways I can help her too :)

1 comment:

  1. Offering a listening ear is always helpful! I know I appreciate it when you listen to me :) I don't think there is anything you can do or say but being there in love and without judgement is where to start :)
